Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Begins...

As I look back at 2010, I am left in amazement at all that this year has brought for our family. It is still hard to believe that I my sweet little baby girl is almost 1 year old! Boy what a year of firsts for her.

I have been thinking lately about the blogging world and all that it can be. When I first started to write a blog, I mostly read friends blogs and was excited to begin writing all about motherhood. Working full time and being a mom, and wife seemed to be my excuse, and I let it get the best of me. One of my goals for 2011 is to become a blogger, and by become one I mean actually post frequently instead of the every several months that I am doing right now. I want to share my experiences as a mother and the special moments in our lives.

So here is my start:

Hailey has grown up so fast, and continues to leave me in amazement. I have been home for two weeks and am headed back to work tomorrow. It was a wonderful to spend the time with Hailey, and be a part of her life 24/7. Sometimes as working mothers, we feel like we are not present enough in our children's lives. I feel blessed to have a career in which I am given time off throughout the year (mostly summer) and able to soak up every moment with her.

She is already a social butterfly and babbles all day long. She is so interested in her surroundings and points to anything that happens to catch her attention. Hailey has become an expert crawler and her favorite activity is to dance to any music she hears. She rocks out!
I have started to think about her 1st birthday. Makes me teary-eyed at times, but mostly excited for all of her milestones! I still cannot believe my baby will be 1 in early Feb. She loves Elmo, so we are planning to have a small get together with a sesame street theme of course!

Here are a few of my favorite photos from Christmas and our 1st snow!
Hailey and Daddy playing in the snow for the first time.
Never would have known she didn't like the snow at all!
Grandpa made her a rocking chair. She is a pro, and knew how to rock from the beginning!
All the kiddos on Christmas Eve. From Left, Makenzie, Hailey, Shane. and Blake.

Hailey hanging out in her wagon from Grandma and Grandpa!

Hope you have all had a great start to your 2011 year!


  1. Good luck with your 2011 goals! I'll be hear to read all about your little lovebug and the adventures she brings to your life :)

  2. I didn't know that you had a blog. I'm excited to be one of your followers!! I wish I was better at keeping up with my blog too..hopefully we'll both be able to stick with it!

  3. This is a great updated! Keep writing!
