Monday, March 21, 2011

Hailey's Birthday Present Finally!

Our big gift for Hailey's 1st birthday was a sandbox. Only problem was that sandboxes were not out yet because it was still winter. So this weekend, Kyle and I bought the sandbox, put it in the yard, filled with sand and toys! I was hoping Hailey would like her sandbox, but let me tell you SHE LOVED IT!!! She threw a small temper tantrum when it was time to head inside. Here are a few pictures of her first experience with the sandbox.

Just another picture from the other day that I found to be adorable! Hailey tried so hard to get Daddy's boots on, so he finally helped her! She is so proud of herself!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I was at school the other day, talking to a fellow teacher who asked me if I had updated my blog lately. I obviously have not and instantly used the excuse, "I have nothing to write about." This statement is simply NOT true! Hailey has grown and changed so much in the last month and we have been so busy as a family that I have not had any time to keep my blog updated and going. Lame excuse I know, but hey its life.

A couple of weeks ago, Hailey took her first steps! 14 steps to be exact! I was ecstatic and could hardly wait for my baby girl to take off and go, go go!!! Unfortunately, she has only taken one step since the big day! I am not sure what spooked her, or why she changed her mind but she is back to crawling all over the place and walking alongside furniture and with her numerous walkers.

She is also learning how to use a spoon!! Can you believe it!?!?! She tries so hard to get the food from the spoon to her mouth. Sometimes she gets it and other times the food falls right off. It is so fun to watch her as she tries to learn how mommy and daddy eat.

She has learned how to say kitty, doggy, and everyone at works swears she is now saying love you. That gives her quite a few words in her vocabulary! I am so proud of my little peanut!

Tomorrow is date night for Kyle and I. We haven't been out alone in a LONG time!