Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sweet Fall

Fall has been incredible and we have been blessed with a beautiful one. The trees are turning and losing leaves and it leaves me realizing that winter is soon upon us. I can hardly believe that my darling baby girl will be turning 9 months in just another week. Many of the women in my life have warned me that when you become a mother time just flies by, but I never believed it until now.

A dear friend of mine recently had her baby (last week) and I am so excited to visit soon. However, it had my mind going and going as I started to think back on those first few days and weeks of Hailey's life. What a change comparing her to a newborn born only a few days ago. It amazes me how God created us and how each day Hailey learns just a little more about her world. She is so curious and excited to live life.

She is trying so hard to crawl but can't quite figure out how to move forward. It frustrates her so badly because she just wants to get going. She has figured out how to move backwards so I know it is only a matter of time. She has learned that people have names and that mama and dada are Kyle and I. I cannot even express the feelings I feel when she says mama to me. I never knew those words could mean so much from your child.

Monday I stayed home with Hailey because she had a fever. It really got me to think and evaluate where I am in my life and made me more aware then ever. I have ALWAYS dreamed of being able to stay home while my children are young. I have struggled more than I have let anyone believe by going back to work. Every day I tell myself that it is going to get easier, yet I find each day to get harder and harder. This isn't what I pictured when I painted my perfect life. Sure, it is exactly everything I wanted, just one small glitch of missing the important milestones in my daughter's life. Unfortunately for me, staying home is not an option and I am praying that it starts to get easier to be away from her day after day. After all, Hailey stays with family most of the week. What could be better than that? I spend my nights giving her all of my attention until she falls asleep. I just pray that summer comes quickly and I am off to be with her again.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hailey Opening Halloween Present

Kyle's mom surprised us with a visit on Friday! She brought Hailey a Halloween present.

Here is her opening the present. I decided she will be a lot of fun at Christmas and made a note to myself to wrap things with tissue paper in bags. :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Ahhh...the weekend is over and it is time to go back to work. We had a fabulous weekend with family! Saturday Hailey and I were able to just spend some much needed mommy daughter time. We had no plans other than to play play play. Kyle was busy mowing and working in the yard. Sunday we decided to hit the pool one last time before the summer pools were officially closed. Hailey had a blast splashing around! We also went to Harvest Festival and looked at the little shops in park. It was such a beautiful day and so nice to be outside enjoying the sun. Today Hailey surprised Kyle and I and slept until 8am. We were planning to go to the Windsor parade but had to hurry out of the house to make it on time. It was chilly outside and the wind was blowing like crazy. Hailey had fun though and really enjoyed the horses and fire engine.

I love those weekends when you have an extra day to be home. I will be counting down til the next 3 day weekend!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Heading back to school

Today is a Monday, and I write this post knowing that it has been a long time since I have been on here to update on life. Hailey has been keeping me busy along with the hustle and bustle of a new school year starting. My year has started off well and the transition for Hailey and I has been a fairly easy one. At first I struggled to leave her side, and felt that I was inferior for leaving her. After all, a mom is meant to be with her children. But as I leave her each day I realize how important these days away from me are for her.

First off she gets to spend one day each week with Daddy, and they have labeled their days together "daddy daughter date days". They both love every minute of their days together and I think it is incredibly special for Hailey. Not all fathers get the opportunity to have one on one time with their children away from Mom for an entire day and Kyle is enjoying it. Hailey gleams from ear to ear when she is with her Daddy and definitely became a daddy's girl already.

Two of her days are spent with Grandma, who is another huge influence in her life. She lights up when she hears Grandma's voice and they have fun silly games they play. I wish I could video the look on Hailey's face when grandma simply says "I see somebody!" It is the sweetest thing and you suddenly feel a sense of calm knowing she cares so deeply for her grandma already. When she is not there Grandpa is asking when he gets to see his girl.

A parent from my class last year watches Hailey the other two days. It has been a transition but Hailey is starting to feel comfortable at her house. We went from 20 minute naps there to 2 1/2 hours last week! Carie and her have a special bond already. The best part about this arrangement is that two days a week Hailey comes with me to school and is brought back to me when school is dismissed. I get to talk to her all the way to school. Lynda (my partner in crime at school) LOVES seeing Hailey a couple days a week too. When teachers find out she is there, we get many visitors in our classroom to say hi before we leave to go home.

Hailey is one of the happiest babies I know and I thank God everyday for her free spirit and ability to make anybody smile. She is sitting up entirely on her own and has been for over a month now. She is starting to scoot around but has not figured out how to move forward and crawl. In the last few days she has started trying to wave at people too. I promise to more diligent about posting here now that life is calming down. Pictures to come!

I still can't believe my baby girl turns 7 months this week!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

happy girl

This was a picture yesterday! Contagious smile!

Well this morning I awoke, expecting to look at the clock to see how much longer I had to sleep before Hailey would have me awake. It is usually always 6:30-6:45 at the latest. But to my surpise it was already 7:15 and she was still sleeping. I decided to enjoy the extra time and go back to sleep for a bit only to awake again at 8:45. Hailey was STILL sleeping!!!! By this time I was starting to get worried and became the over-reactive parent. I went into to check and make sure she was still breathing. I of course thought something had to be wrong if she was still asleep this late. She was snoozing away on her belly as happy and content as could be so I quitey headed out of her room and decided to get ready. I sent Kyle a text message to check and make sure I shouldn't be worried. He of course told me to calm down and she would wake up when she was ready. She slept until 10:15! Can you believe it! HEAVEN!!!!! If only she would sleep like that on the weekends when Kyle and I actually want to sleep in too. Lets just say it was a nice surpise.

Hailey loves to watch baby Einstein and has a favorite Elmo video that she watches at Grandma's house. Elmo's dad sings this song that gets Hailey grinning from ear to ear. Her Grandma (my mom) and I can't resist and we are constantly walking around the house singing "bump baby bump" as we bounce Hailey up and down. It's amazing how at first you are kinda nervous to sing out loud and within just a few months you are doing whatever to make sure they are happy and having fun! :) Well a few weeks ago Grandma bought a baby Elmo for her house. Hailey was ecstatic!!! Then Kyle's parents came to visit and Nana (Kyle's mom) bought
her an Elmo to have at home!!!! She loves that thing! She is finally figuring out how to tickle him herself and loves loves LOVES when he sings to her! Look how happy she is!

Kyle came home from work yesterday and we took Hailey on a huge walk around the neighborhood and back on a few trails by our house! We had a great time and want to continue going for nightly walks as a family. Kyle had a crappy day at work and was happy to be home with his girls! Kyle and I had her laughing so hard last night and I forgot to get out the camera to video it. I promise to do that soon, as she will brighten anyone's day with her smile and giggle! We love our little girl so much!

Well my sweet babygirl is waking up so I better go for now.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I finally gave in

Well I finally gave in to this whole blog thing. We will see how I keep up with it when school starts again. I decided this would be a great way to keep family and friends updated on our life and of course most importantly, on Miss Hailey Raye. There are so many funny and exciting moments with a baby in the house and I wanted a way to document those memories. So here goes.

Today it dawned on me that I have only a few more weeks of my summer break, and my time exclusively with Hailey! I am going to just enjoy what time we have and soak up the sun.

Motherhood has been an incredible journey so far and cannot believe how fast the time is going. Hailey is now eating solids at breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is a major fan of fruits but has a hatred for veggies. I had to start buying these special gerber baby foods that mask the veggie flavor. Her favorite seems to be the macaroni and cheese with veggies. Hopefully she will enjoy her veggies someday. She is also starting to roll over consistently and loves to stand and talk, talk, talk. She is just like her mother, she is never quite. :) I am so proud of her already. Hailey is starting to sit up on her on for small amounts of time and is actually taking and putting her on pacifer in her mouth.

Okay....enough. I promise next time I post there will be more pictures and moments to share. I just wanted this first blog to give you a little bit of info about where she is now.

This is one of my favorite first photos!

Here she is at her 3 month photo shoot

Love to all!
