Monday, March 21, 2011

Hailey's Birthday Present Finally!

Our big gift for Hailey's 1st birthday was a sandbox. Only problem was that sandboxes were not out yet because it was still winter. So this weekend, Kyle and I bought the sandbox, put it in the yard, filled with sand and toys! I was hoping Hailey would like her sandbox, but let me tell you SHE LOVED IT!!! She threw a small temper tantrum when it was time to head inside. Here are a few pictures of her first experience with the sandbox.

Just another picture from the other day that I found to be adorable! Hailey tried so hard to get Daddy's boots on, so he finally helped her! She is so proud of herself!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I was at school the other day, talking to a fellow teacher who asked me if I had updated my blog lately. I obviously have not and instantly used the excuse, "I have nothing to write about." This statement is simply NOT true! Hailey has grown and changed so much in the last month and we have been so busy as a family that I have not had any time to keep my blog updated and going. Lame excuse I know, but hey its life.

A couple of weeks ago, Hailey took her first steps! 14 steps to be exact! I was ecstatic and could hardly wait for my baby girl to take off and go, go go!!! Unfortunately, she has only taken one step since the big day! I am not sure what spooked her, or why she changed her mind but she is back to crawling all over the place and walking alongside furniture and with her numerous walkers.

She is also learning how to use a spoon!! Can you believe it!?!?! She tries so hard to get the food from the spoon to her mouth. Sometimes she gets it and other times the food falls right off. It is so fun to watch her as she tries to learn how mommy and daddy eat.

She has learned how to say kitty, doggy, and everyone at works swears she is now saying love you. That gives her quite a few words in her vocabulary! I am so proud of my little peanut!

Tomorrow is date night for Kyle and I. We haven't been out alone in a LONG time!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Dear Hailey,

Here I sit on the eve of your birthday, thinking back to those last few moments before you were born. I was so ready to meet you and could hardly wait for you to make your arrival. I never thought that you would arrive two weeks early.

Exactly one year ago you changed my life in so many ways. Words cannot describe the joy I felt the day you were born. I knew I would never again be the same person I once was. Watching you grow over the past year has been an incredible blessing and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

You started your life out with quite a cry in the delivery room, and hearing your little voice left me speechless. I could not believe that I had brought such a beautiful baby girl into this world. You instantly were a cuddle bug and did not want to leave my arms all night. The first night in the hospital room, you knew when someone had laid you down and immediately awoke from your slumber to let me know that you wanted to be held. That night you laid in bed with me, cuddled until the morning.

It is incredible how much we love you. Our lives have not been the same since you arrived. We are not the same people; we are better because you are here. You inspire us everyday. Your daddy and I marvel at your every change and feel blessed for the moments we share with you. We have loved watching you grow, from your first smile, first words, funny shrieks and sounds, and your hearty belly laugh. We are both fascinated by your every move and sound, and we look at each other in amazement of what a beautiful daughter we have, both on the inside and outside.

You are now eating the meals that only Daddy and I eat and love to drink from a straw. When you see that Daddy or I have something different to drink you point so that you can have a taste. I am pretty sure your favorite word is daddy and you constantly crawl around saying it. Bath time is your favorite part of the day! You would take 10 baths a day if we would let you. You shriek and play in the water, scooting back and forth and splashing. You are not afraid and are curious about everything around you.

As you begin this next chapter in your life, you will continue to learn so much about the world around you. My hope is that you never lose your curiosity and continue to let the simple things make you happy. I hope that you experience all of the joy, happiness, and love that you have given Daddy and I.

I love you Hailey Raye!




Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1st Birthday Planning...

I still cannot believe that my baby girl is going to be ONE in just a few short weeks! We have started the party planning process.

I am not a regular on the bump (a baby website for mamas to chit chat) but do occasionally like to glance at the 9-12 month board and see if Hailey is doing things that other kiddos are doing. For obvious reasons, the subject of birthdays is a HUGE topic for this board. Everyone has a different idea about what a 1st birthday party should be like. Some say GO BIG, and have as many people as possible, while others say keep it small. I fall somewhere in the middle. I do not want an overwhelming amount of people because I want it to be fun and casual. I want for Hailey to enjoy her day, as well as let Kyle and I enjoy it with her. However, I do want to include some of her baby friends. This is where it gets tricky. How many "baby friends" is too many?

When I first started to think about her birthday party, I honestly thought of the pink pretty princess party birthday. Then the magazine came, one ALL about 1st birthday party themes. For those of you that don't know, Hailey LOVES anything to do with Elmo. So of course, I start looking through the magazine and first thing I see is a baby Elmo first birthday party theme. How could I not have an Elmo theme for my 1 year old who LOVES him. It was perfect. There are some pretty neat decorations, including a full size Elmo balloon that we will have to have I am sure. So away with my pretty pink princess party, and on with Elmo.

Sesame Street 1st Birthday Party Supplies

This is the plate from the Elmo beginning theme.

On a side note, Hailey started swimming lessons last Saturday. She was a pro already and LOVED the warm water. We are taking her to a therapy pool so it feels like you are getting into the bath! She gets to play with two of her buddies all morning too! She had her face in the water all morning and was trying to get a nice taste of the pool water. Looking forward to this Saturday another swim adventure. :)

Till next time!


Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 Begins...

As I look back at 2010, I am left in amazement at all that this year has brought for our family. It is still hard to believe that I my sweet little baby girl is almost 1 year old! Boy what a year of firsts for her.

I have been thinking lately about the blogging world and all that it can be. When I first started to write a blog, I mostly read friends blogs and was excited to begin writing all about motherhood. Working full time and being a mom, and wife seemed to be my excuse, and I let it get the best of me. One of my goals for 2011 is to become a blogger, and by become one I mean actually post frequently instead of the every several months that I am doing right now. I want to share my experiences as a mother and the special moments in our lives.

So here is my start:

Hailey has grown up so fast, and continues to leave me in amazement. I have been home for two weeks and am headed back to work tomorrow. It was a wonderful to spend the time with Hailey, and be a part of her life 24/7. Sometimes as working mothers, we feel like we are not present enough in our children's lives. I feel blessed to have a career in which I am given time off throughout the year (mostly summer) and able to soak up every moment with her.

She is already a social butterfly and babbles all day long. She is so interested in her surroundings and points to anything that happens to catch her attention. Hailey has become an expert crawler and her favorite activity is to dance to any music she hears. She rocks out!
I have started to think about her 1st birthday. Makes me teary-eyed at times, but mostly excited for all of her milestones! I still cannot believe my baby will be 1 in early Feb. She loves Elmo, so we are planning to have a small get together with a sesame street theme of course!

Here are a few of my favorite photos from Christmas and our 1st snow!
Hailey and Daddy playing in the snow for the first time.
Never would have known she didn't like the snow at all!
Grandpa made her a rocking chair. She is a pro, and knew how to rock from the beginning!
All the kiddos on Christmas Eve. From Left, Makenzie, Hailey, Shane. and Blake.

Hailey hanging out in her wagon from Grandma and Grandpa!

Hope you have all had a great start to your 2011 year!